Limah Che Mamat showing her MyKad, which shows that she is 93 years old. Pic by Adnan Mohamad
GREAT-grandmother Limah Che Mamat is 93 years old and has been immobile for the last four years.
However, this has not diminished her will to cast her vote in the general election.
Limah, who is believed to be the oldest voter in Kelantan, said she had not missed voting since the first Malayan election in 1955.
"I was still able to walk in the last general election and went out to vote.
"However, this time around, I am not sure I can do so in my condition.
"Despite that, I am still keen (to vote).
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"I was relieved after some people from Umno informed my family that they would help bring me to the polling centre," said the former sundry shop owner at her home in Kampung Gual Sitok, here.
Limah said she had been immobile for four years after breaking her hip in a fall.
She added that she believed only Barisan Nasional (BN) could help the people, especially those in need, like her.
"I remember that previous prime ministers like Tunku Abdul Rahman and (Tun) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had helped the people a lot during their administrations.
"I will never stop supporting BN," said Limah, who will vote in the Rantau Panjang parliamentary and Gual Periok state constituencies.
Gual Sitok Wanita Umno chief Nik Mah Nik Yusof said the branch would send Limah to the polling centre at SK Gual Periok on polling day.
"It is our job to help voters like Limah so that they can go out and cast their votes," she said