Malaysia was elected on Wednesday to chair the Third Committee for the forthcoming 66th session of the United Nations' General Assembly.
Malaysia's new permanent representative to the United Nations, Datuk Hussein Haniff, who formally assumed office on May 13, will be the chairperson of this crucial committee.
Haniff, in a statement to the United Nations, said that it was a “great honour” for Malaysia and for him personally to be elected as chairperson of the committee.
He thanked the Group of Asian states at the United Nations for endorsing the Malaysian candidature. He gave the assurance that he would “spare no effort to live up to your expectations”.
The Third Committee, which deals with social, humanitarian and cultural affairs, was chaired by Michel Tommo Monthe of Cameroon during the 65th session of the General Assembly.
Haniff acknowledged that the list of issues to be addressed at the Third Committee was “much longer than I can fully read out at this stage”, and said that “it is incumbent, however, to ensure that the Third Committee provides objectivity and impartiality to all voices”.
“It is my hope and intention that at the upcoming 66th session, all delegations will continue to display the attributes of cooperation, seeking consensus where possible and working together which have led to positive conclusions in the past for this Committee.
“Moreover, even with debate and differing views on issues, the common good of focusing and dealing with the issues at hand far outweigh focusing on, or being diverted to, those which are divisive,” the envoy said.
During a recent interview with Bernama, Haniff pointed out that the committee also discusses the advancement of women, the protection of children, indigenous issues, the treatment of refugees, the promotion of fundamental freedom through the elimination of racism and racial discrimination, and the promotion of the right to self-determination.
Over and above, the committee addresses important social development questions such as issues related to youth, family, ageing, persons with disabilities, crime prevention, criminal justice, and drug control.
Haniff thanked ambassador Michel Tommo Monthe of Cameroon for his “remarkable leadership” and contributions to the work of the Third Committee during the main session of the 65th General Assembly.
“He (Monthe) has set very high standards which I hope to emulate. I would also like to recognise and thank his bureau, as well as the other members elected to the bureau for the 66th (General Assembly) session, and to express my enthusiasm and anticipation to work together with them, as well as the secretary and his staff,” he said.
Each year, the General Assembly allocates to the Third Committee agenda items relating to a range of social, humanitarian affairs and human rights' issues that affect people all over the world.
As in previous sessions, an important part of the Committee's work focuses on the examination of human rights' questions. The Committee hears and interacts with special rapporteurs, independent experts, and chairpersons of working groups of the Human Rights Council