A policeman said today he had failed to find Teoh Beng Hock’s missing watch after the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) investigating the death of the DAP aide ordered him to do so.
Investigating officer (IO) ASP Ahmad Nazri Zainal admitted to the inquiry earlier this morning that he had not searched a drainage hole near Teoh’s body thoroughly, which had been found on the fifth floor corridor of Plaza Masalam here on July 16 2009.
“Didn’t find anything,” Ahmad Nazri told reporters today at Plaza Masalam here.
“I’ll explain in court. (We've been searching) since 3.30 (pm),” he added, before rushing off with a police forensics team.
RCI chairman Tan Sri James Foong stressed earlier today that the missing watch was an important piece of evidence as it could tell Teoh’s time of death, leading him to order the search almost two years after the political secretary’s fatal plunge.
Ahmad Nazri told the inquiry that he had only used his naked eye — without the help of a torchlight — to examine the drainage hole, and found nothing.
He said only a watch strap and watch pin were found after Teoh fell from the 14th floor of Plaza Masalam, which had housed the Selangor Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) headquarters at the time.
The crime scene was cordoned off from pressmen this afternoon while Ahmad Nazri hunted for the missing watch for almost two hours.
MACC said on micro-blogging site Twitter that there were seven drainage holes on the fifth floor corridor of Plaza Masalam.
MACC also said forensic officers from the Cheras crime scene investigation team had measured the diameter of the drainage hole, determining it to be six inches.
Examinations were also conducted on the fourth floor of the building, tweeted the anti-corruption agency.
MACC said that three representatives from the Bar Council, RCI conducting officer Kwan Li Sa, two MACC deputy public prosecutors and two Plaza Masalam maintenance staff were present at the crime scene today.
Teoh, 30, was the political secretary to Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah at the time of death on July 16, 2009.
The young man fell nine floors to his death after being questioned overnight by MACC officers.