Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gun and grenade shock for patrolmen

Policemen who went to help a semi-conscious man by the roadside were stunned to see him holding a gun.

More shocking, they found a live hand grenade not far from a motorcycle near him.

Further checks led them to a long knife and a switch blade in the vehicle's basket.

Cheras OCPD Asst Comm Mohan Singh said policemen on patrol saw the man lying on the roadside in Jalan Permata early yesterday.

“When my men approached him, they saw he had a gun in his hand.

“They quickly disarmed him and rushed him to the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital,” ACP Mohan told a press conference at the district police headquarters yesterday.

He said doctors found the 37-year-old man to be high on drugs and drunk.

The man was treated for minor bruises and placed in remand.

The case is being investigated under Section 8 of the Firearms Act (Increased Penalties) for illegal possession of a gun and live hand grenade and Section 8 (a) of the same Act for possession of six live bullets.

Police believe the man could be involved in criminal activities.
