Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Australian opposition minister 'meows' at Malaysian-born finance minister

Malaysian-born Finance Minister Penny Wong was 'meowed' at by an opposition Liberal senator during a Senate hearing in Canberra.

The Australian Associated Press said Senator David Bushby made the feline cry during a heated row between Senator Wong and opposition senators on Wednesday.

Bushby drew a sharp rebuke from Senator Wong.

"Why do you meow? It's extraordinary. Blokes are allowed to yell, but if a woman stands her ground, you want to make that sort of comment. It's schoolyard politics," she chided Senator Bushby.

Senator Bushby later issued a written apology to Senator Wong.

He was quoted as saying, "My reaction to Senator Wong occurred during a robust debate. I am sorry that Senator Wong felt offended by my reaction."

Treasurer Wayne Swan commented, the behaviour of Senator Bushby and lower house Opposition MPs 'can only be described as being feral'.

"I think the Finance Minister was absolutely right not to put up with the rudeness and sexist behaviour of (Opposition Leader) Tony Abbott's goons," he said.

Social Inclusion Minister Tanya Plibersek said, "it was so very disappointing" to see the attack on her cabinet colleague.

"What I am tired of and what so many women are tired of is that whenever there is a conflict, we have the leader of the opposition and his senior ministers reverting to this sort of sexist language.", she said.
