Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Penang freak storm: ‘I saw his spirit, he was crying’

Prayers of hope: Jia Mint (front) leading a prayer alongside Lim’s family members at the scene of the tragedy in Macalister Road.

A 13-year-old boy claims he saw the spirit of Lim Chin Aik.

Foo Jia Mint said he saw the spirit of the 44-year-old economy rice seller when his second son Chia Oon, 18, who has Down Syndrome, was present at the scene on Sunday night.

“I could see he was crying, and he kept pointing to the section of the crater near the Pakistani Mosque. I believe he was telling me where his body was.

“I then volunteered my services to help summon Lim's spirit in a 10-minute ceremony here in the presence of his mother, wife and two sons,” he said at the scene.

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Jia Mint told the family members, who were in tears, that Lim looked sad and could not talk.

Interestingly, there was a heavy downpour soon after the ritual ended.

Jia Mint, who claims to be the godson of Kuan Yin (the Goddess of Mercy), said he realised he had the gift of being able to see spirits three years ago.

Jia Mint's mother Susan Goh, a feng shui master, said she had warned Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng that calamity would befall Penang after the general election.

“My prophecy turned out to be true,” she said, adding that she was saddened to see reports that family members were still looking for Lim's body.