Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lorry topples onto house

The lorry lying on its side after it tipped over, causing damage to part of Rohani Wan Chik’s (inset) house.

Homeowner shocked to see roof, wall and porch collapse

TELUK INTAN: A 54-YEAR-OLD single mother cheated death when a lorry unloading asphalt in front of her house tipped to the side and crashed into the premises.

Recalling the 10.30am incident in Jalan Jawa, here, yesterday, Rohani Wan Chik said she had been watching lorries carry away old asphalt and unload new asphalt in front of the house.

"After the first lorry took away the old asphalt, I went into the house.

"Not long after that, I heard a loud crash, which shook the house."

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"After the first lorry took away the old asphalt, I went into the house.

"Not long after that, I heard a loud crash, which shook the house."

She rushed out of the house and was shocked to see that part of the roof, wall and porch had collapsed.

"I am thankful that no one was injured as children would normally play at the spot where the roof collapsed," said Rohani, who has been living at the house for the last 20 years.