Tuesday, June 18, 2013

DAP MP petitions to disqualify 2 ministers, 3 deputy ministers

DAP MP M. Kulasegaran (pic) filed a petition today to disqualify two ministers and three deputy ministers in the Cabinet, saying their appointments did not comply with the Federal Constitution.

Kulasegaran named ministers Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Omar and Datuk Paul Low, deputy ministers P. Waythamoorthy, Dr Loga Bala Mohan and Datuk Ahmad Basha Md Hanipa as respondents in the judicial challenge.

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"There must be strict compliance to Article 43 of the Federal Constitution. They must be members of either of the Houses, which means they must have been elected as an MP or sworn in as senators before they are appointed as ministers and deputy ministers.

"As such all emoluments,privileges and other pecuniary advantages obtained by the respective respondents be refunded by each of them to the government within seven days of the order to be made by the court," Kulasegaran told reporters in Putrajaya today. - June 19, 2013.