Monday, May 24, 2010

Recap : Lawyer: Bala First statutory declaration made voluntarily II -Najib denies affair with Altantuya

Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu denied that private investigator P Balasubramaniam affirmed his first sworn statement under duress.

Speaking to reporters at the PKR headquarters in Tropicana, Petaling Jaya today, Americ said that Balasubramaniam's statutory declaration filed on July 1 2008 was made voluntarily.


Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today denied allegations that he had links with murdered Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu as claimed by a private detective.

Reading out from a prepared statement at a packed press conference in Parliament this evening, the embattled deputy premier reiterated that he had never met or knew Altantuya.

He dismissed the statutory declaration filed by private eye P Balasubramaniam, who was hired by Najib's close associate Abdul Razak Baginda to deal with the Altantuya problem, as "concocted" claims.